Game Rules & Bylaws


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  • Coaches Maximum of 4 Coaches on Sidelines Including Head Coach
  • No parents on the sidelines. Keep the parents in the stands
  • NFHS Rules apply unless otherwise stated

MCYCFL has a Zero-Tolerance bullying policy. No bullying is allowed.


Kicking Game
Kickoff- Ball placed on the 40-yard line
PAT – No rushing | 1 Pt for run | 2 Pt for kick | no fake kick
Field Goal – No Rushing
Punt- No Rushing- Dead Ball when the receiving team has control
All Fumbles are live


Kicking Game-Live Kickoff
PAT- No rushing | 1 Pt for runs | 2 Pt for kick | no fake kick
Field Goal – No Rushing – No fake kick
Punt- No Rushing- Dead Ball when receiving team has control
All Fumbles are live


Kicking game – Live kick off
PAT- Live | 1 Pt for run | 2 Pt for kick | Can Fake
Field Goal – Live
Punt – Live
All Fumbles are live


NFHS Rules apply unless otherwise stated
1. Teams are able to run either a four/four or a five/three base defense.
* Nose guards are allowed to play up on line of scrimmage.
2. The maximum number of defensive players lining up on the line is 5.
3. Linebackers, including outside linebackers must be 4 yards off the ball.
4. Teams are not able to push the outside linebackers up to the line. Linebackers must be 4 yards off the line of scrimmage.
5. Defensive ends can be standing or in a 3 or 4 point stance, but cannot be lined up wider than the outside shoulder of the tackle or tight end. If too far outside they are considered a linebacker and need to be 4 yards off the line of scrimmage.
6. Defensive Backs need to be 4 yards off the line of scrimmage. Can Play up on line when covering a receiver that is split out wide. (At least 10 yards from nearest lineman)
7. Linebackers can rush on the snap of the ball, given they are lined up 4 yards off the ball when the ball is snapped. If inside of 4 yards and rush it is considered blitzing. No Blitzing allowed. Are allowed to rush if they are 4 yards off the ball upon the snap.
8. Opposing coaches questioning linebacker blitzing will be awarded 1 free timeout to discuss this with both coaches and the head official.

Violation of these rules will result in the following:
First offense- warning and explanation led by lead official to player and head coach.
Second and repeated offenses- 5 yard penalty


NFHS Rules apply unless otherwise stated


Coaches are required to play each player a minimum of 10 live plays.


8 min stop clock per quarter. 5 min halftime. If Mercy Rule is in place, the clock becomes a running clock upon agreement from the trailing team coach.


4 touches a week including game, no longer than 2 hours. No Practices on Fridays or Sundays unless otherwise approved by MCYCFL board. No scrimmages between different grades allowed, unless MCYCFL board approves.


24-point spread. Once a team is down 24 points, that team will start all of their offensive possessions at the mid field point or the 50-yard line.


Coaches need to maintain and conduct themselves with good sportsmanship attitudes. The referee can throw a flag for unsportsmanlike conduct at any point in the game when they feel that either a coach, parent, or fan is being verbally abusive towards the referee, or the opposing team.

  1. First violation will be a verbal warning that is addressed to the coach. It then becomes the coaches responsibility to address the issue with either himself, a parent, or other person in the stands. No actual penalty is enforced and the flag is waved off.
  2. Second violation, whether it be the same person or someone else will result in a 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. The penalty is enforced from where the ball is spotted.
  3. Third violation will result in another 15-yard penalty. At this point the coach of the violating team will be asked to remove either themself, if they are the violator, or the person in their team’s stands. Game play will not continue until that person has left the field.
  4. Attendance to future games will not be permitted until there has been a MCYCFL board with review with the individual.

No Harassing younger officials. If you have questions or problems please direct them towards the Head official or adult official. If harassment of a youth official occurs, the coach may be ejected from the game and not allowed to coach again until there is a MCYCFL board review with the Coach.


Referees should follow the guidelines for unsportsmanlike conduct on the field with players. No warnings should be issued and penalties should be enforced immediately.


4th 90 lbs
5th 110 lbs
6th 125 lbs

1. Initial weigh-in will be at pad hand out. Each player’s weight will be recorded. No Challenges after initial weigh-in

No rapid weight cutting is allowed. Meaning dehydration, running before, throwing up, etc…


Red dot policy is set up to be able to identify players who are over the weight limit to be able to carry the ball for their specific grade level. MCYCFL does not want to make anyone uncomfortable so the red dot policy will be handled strictly internally. No physical dot will be placed anywhere upon the child, or equipment. There will be a list of children who do not meet the weight requirement to run the ball. This list will be given to all coaches prior to the 1st game. If any “red dot” player is caught running the ball this will result in an automatic suspension from the league and the game will be immediately forfeited. Also, any coaches and/or parents involved in running that said child will also be suspended from the league and the game forfeited. Our red dot policy is made to keep the game fair, and everyone safe.

– Red-dotted players will be given a number between 50-99.


The following are the operating Bylaws by which the Mini Cassia Youth Contact Football League operates. Revisions to the Operating Bylaws require a majority vote of a quorum of the League Directors. The League is registered with the State of Idaho under corporation number Cl31454. The League is organized as an Organization and a 501 ( c) (3).

Section A: Board Members also known as Directors.
Vice President

    1. Each district will have up to three (3) voting members. Voting is by seniority of the Board members. Board members must be present to vote.

Section B: Responsibilities of League Directors

1. The directors will be responsible for the management of the League in compliance with the Operating Bylaws of the Mini Cassis Youth Contact Football League, Inc. The purpose of this corporation will be to organize and supervise the playing of football by boys and girls under specialized rules and regulations. The League is a non-profit organization and must be managed accordingly. The officers will be responsible for the scheduling and organizing all activities surrounding the League prior to, during and after each season. Directors will receive no compensation for their duties.

2. Directors have, with board approval the right to review, appoint, or deny persons or responsibility of League head or assistant coaching positions. Any comments, criticisms, or complaints regarding a coach, or his/her methods or techniques will be communicated to the League in either verbal or written form by players, parents, coaches, or other interested parties before they will be considered by the League.

3. Individual director responsibilities will be divided amongst the officers and directors as to best manage the League activities.

4. Directors shall meet not less than five instances per year. The League will schedule Spring, Summer, Pre-season, Mid-season, and End of season meetings. The directors will meet as a time and place most convenient for a quorum to be present at the meeting. A quorum for conducting business at a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be the number of directors equal to or greater than fifty (50) percent of the Board of Directors. Directors are required to attend 4/5ths or eighty (80) percent of the Board of Directors meetings. If a director is not able to attend a meeting, he/she must notify the President. Excused absences will be accepted. Board members failing to comply with Item 4 in Section B of these Operating Bylaws will be released as an MCYCFL Board Member upon Board vote.

5. Directors shall monitor their districts coaches, practices, games, players, parents, & fields. If a problem arises, they will address the board regarding those concerns.

Section C: Directors' Authority

The directors have the sole authority to grant exceptions to make interpretations of, or make changes to the Articles of Incorporation Bylaw, Operating Bylaws, League Policies. And Playing Rules. Approval of any exceptions, interpretations, interpretations, or. Revisions of the Article of Incorporation Bylaws, Operating Bylaws, League Policies, and playing Rules must be made by a majority vote of a quorum of directors

Section D: Appointment of Directors

The League President will recommend potential candidates for a directorship to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors can approve or deny any potential candidate for the Board.

Section E: Director's Term

President: has to be a board member for one (1) year prior to being nominated and will serve a 2 year term.

The President can be nominated and voted in for a second term.

Vice President: can be nominated as a first-year board member and will serve a 2-year term. The Vice President can be nominated and voted in for a second term.

Secretary: Can be nominated as a first-year board member and will serve a 1-year term. The Secretary can be nominated and voted in for a second term.

Treasurer: can be nominated as a first-year board member and will serve a 1-year term. The Treasurer can be nominated and voted in for a second term. Can only serve as Treasurer for 2 terms.

l . The Board of Directors can call for a vote of no confidence of any member of the Presidency or Board. A vote will be conducted and upheld by a majority vote of the Board.



Section B:  Minor Protests

Minor protests will be resolved verbally at the time of protest, preferably by the coaches and game officials. A League Director will settle disputes, on-the-Spot”, on the field at the time of the protest, if possible. If no decision can be reached or a director is not present at the time of protest, a major protest will need to be filed with the League.

Section C:  Major Protests

Major protests must be in writing. The Secretary will place one copy in League records and provide copies to all affected individuals.

1. A major protest filed with the League will require that a Protest Committee be formed. A “Protest Committee” will be formed consisting of a Committee Chairperson (League Director) and two (2) other League Directors. A League Director from the area in which the protest originates will be a member of the committee, unless the protest is in the grade level the League Director is coaching. In such cases, any other League Director will be appointed. It is preferable that parents try to resolve any coaching issues directly with the coach prior to protesting to the League. All major protest may be initiated verbally but must be followed with a written protest and given to the League 24 hours from the time of the protested act.

2. The committee must reach a majority decision. The committee will meet as soon as practical with the cache(s). if applicable. The committee can include all board members in the decision. Their decision will then be confirmed in writing to the parties involved. (As a practical matter, changes in “On-the­ Spot decisions are unlikely.) If needed, a League Director will be assigned to monitor the next game.


4. PROTESTS OF PLAYING RULES are major. During a game, a protest of play must be registered verbally with a League Director in attendance at the game BEFORE the play of the first live ball after the play in question. The Director(s) in attendance have the authority to act for the League in such matters. They will see that all parties involved are notified of the protest, and will make every attempt to reach a satisfactory determination of the issue at that time. It is assumed that most will be settled on the field. However, any major protest that can’t be settled at the game, or a League Director is not immediately present at the game, the Protest Committee will then vote on the protest. A written protest must be given to the League within 24 hours of the protested act.


Section A: Participation is intended to be limited to students currently attending the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades in the Cassia, Minidoka, and Valley School Districts.

Section B: Age limits have been established as follows:

1 . Age limits for third grade: Prior to or on September 1st in of the current year, the player must be at a minimum age of 7 years old, or a maximum age of 9 years old, with “typical age” of 8 on September 1 of the current year.

2. Age limits for fourth grade: Prior to or on September 1st in of the current year, the player must be at a minimum age of 8 years old, or a maximum age of 10 years old, with “typical age” of 9 on September 1 of the current year.

3. Age limits for fifth grade: Prior to or on September l” of the current year, the player must be at a minimum age of 9 years old, or a maximum age of 1 1 years old, with “typical age” of IO on September 1 of the current year.

4. Age limits for sixth grade: Prior to or on September 1″of the current year, the player must be at a minimum age of 10 years old, or a maximum age of 12 years old, with “typical age” of 11 on September 1 of the current year.

Section C: Fourth, fifth. And sixth, grade players will be allowed to play ” up” from their natural grade level with the League’s approval. The League encourages play at age level.

The League will allow a player to play “up” from fourth grade to fifth provided the player is a minimum weight of 65 lbs. and 9 years of age, prior to or on September l” of the current year. All fourth-grade players will be returned to their appropriate grade level the following year. All fourth-grade players will be notified by the League that they will be moved back to 5th grade the following year, per this section. Exceptions will be Combo Teams.

1. Combo Teams. The League will allow 3rd/4th, 5th/6th grade teams in Raft River, Oakley, or Valley only if, A. There are not enough of the younger age group (minimum of 17 players).

Section D:  Player’s weight will be determined at pad handouts. No challenges are allowed after initial weigh in unless approval by Board. If coaches have questions on players weight or the process they will take it to the Directors. Ball carrying weight will be as follows:

3rd/4th Grade- 90# maximum ball carry weight.
5th grade- 110# maximum ball carry weight
6th grade- 125 # maximum ball carry weight


Section F:  Players that weigh over the ball carrying limit will not be able to carry the ball and their jerseys will be numbered between 50 and 79.


Section A:  All players will be assigned to a team as close as practical to their home address or school currently enrolled in.

Exceptions to this rule will require Board approval:

  1. Players who sign-up after the team in their League designated geographical area has been closed.

a. The League will be notifying the player if they have been placed on a team outside their natural geographical area.

Section B: All players from team rosters on the previous year will have a reserved slot on the active team roster, until the specified date designated by the League. After this date, all new registered players will be added to the roster, on a “first-come, first-serve basis”, with a preferred maximum number of 24 players per team. Additional players may be added by Board approval only.

Section C: Returning players, who are still carried on the active roster of a team from the prior year will remain on their Original teams unless:

  1. Their residence within League boundaries has changed to another geographical boundary, they must change to the team closest to their geographical location.
  2. A player has signed up after the reserved roster dare and their prior team is closed.

Note 1: The League will make every effort to accommodate the player’s request, provided it is within the League rules. Any exceptions need to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Section E: Late sign-ups will be placed on the closest available team. However, if the player is placed outside their geographical area, the League will make every attempt to place that child back in their boundaries the following year upon request of the player. The League will place the player on a wait list to be moved back to their proper team. The wait list will be used the following year to assign priority to those players to be moved for the following year with the player’s approval.

Section F: Geographic areas will closely follow the boundaries of the School Districts, which are in effect at the time a player signs up for football. League geographic boundaries can also follow natural boundaries (i.e., railroad tracks, major highways, etc.) or nearby neighborhoods. All practices are to be held with the League designated geographic areas. They will allow practice to be held as near as possible to players’ homes and the League will attempt to select team members from the same geographic area, and if possible, from the same school.

Note 1: Secondary boundaries can be created with a primary boundary, if deemed necessary.

Note 2: Teams are required to practice with the League boundaries, unless otherwise authorized by the League.

Section G:  If necessary. y to achieve balance between the areas, the League has the authority to change boundaries, to adjust the number of teams and or their distribution by areas prior to the start of the current season. Where possible, such boundary changes will closely follow school district boundaries, natural boundaries, and/or nearby neighborhoods.

Section H:  Players who reside outside city limit boundaries will be required to play on the team corresponding to the boundary limits of the respective school district to the player’s address. If there isn’t a team in his/her League boundary, in the same grade as the player, the player will be allowed to play outside the geographical area nearest his address, as availability exists.

Section I:  Teams must have a minimum of 12 players with a preferred maximum or 24 players. Additional players may be added by District Board approval.

Section J:  The League reserves the right to form expansion or excess player teams when appropriate to allow more players to participate. As expansion teams are created, only new players and those per Article V, section B players will be placed on these teams, with a minimum of 12 players with a maximum of 24 respectively.


Section A:  Every player must register each year online at

Players carried on the active roster of a team from the previous year will have until the end of day of Registration to register. Late Registrations will not hold a spot of the active roster. This date is TBD by the League each season. All players must register online at

1. New players will be added to the team rosters after the Reserved Roster Date is established by the League.

Note I: Non-equipment teams are schools, athletic departments, or other legal organizations that are Providing equipment to the players, which must provide a registration form for each player. Non­ equipment schools, athletic departments, or other legal organizations, must also provide proof of liability insurance with MCYCFL listed as an “Additional Insured”.

a. Non-equipment teams must adhere to all playing rules and operating bylaws applicable to their participation in the League.

b. The League will maintain management, selection, and administration of team selection of players, assistants, and head coaches.

c. Non-equipment teams and players must provide safe and appropriate equipment to their players that are consistent with League equipment standards and be approved by a Board member.

Section B:   Late Registration.

1. Players that register after team rosters have been established, still be placed on an existing team that has a shortage of players, or placed on a waiting list, per Article V, Section E. Last date to add players to team rosters will be the Wednesday before the Jamboree or 1st game whichever comes first with League approval. A late fee will be charged and will be determined by the Board each year.

Section C:   A player is registered when the player has provided the following to the League:

I. A signed MCYCFL Registration Form providing at least the following minimum information:

a. Name
b. Address
c. Phone Number
d. Birth Date
e. Boundary Area (current school year)
f. Grade (current school year)
g. Name of last year’s team (if applicable)
h. Signed by parent or guardian.

1. Paid registration fee.

2. Physical

3. A birth certificate if requested by a member of the Board.


Section D:   A player must be registered with the League to participate in team practices, scrimmages, and games.


Section A:  Players’ and Parents’ Responsibilities

1. To be eligible to play and to maintain eligibility, a player must:

a. Complete steps 1-3 of the registration process and

b. Comply with all team rules set down by the coach and League. (This includes, but is not limited to personal conduct, attendance at practices, etc. Coaches’ team rules must not conflict with MCYCFL rules, bylaws, and NFHSS Code of Ethics.)

c. Not act in an unsportsmanlike manner during a game, scrimmage, or practice. Examples are, but not limited to: Baiting or taunting acts or words, using profanity or insulting vulgar language, fighting, inappropriate gestures, and inappropriate use of facilities.

2. For all contact practices and games, the player will furnish, and is required to wear the following equipment:

a. Approved shoes:



A. All Players, parents, and spectators are required to follow league rules.

B. Any player ejected by an official for Unsportsmanlike behavior, will be suspended for the remainder of the game, and will be suspended for the next regularly scheduled game. A second violation will result expulsion from the League. If penalties are imposed at the end of the season and no contest remains. the penalty is carried over to the following year. This rule will apply to all regular, playoff, consolation, and championship games. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Note I: The League reserves the right to apply this rule to parents or spectators at our games. Those situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The League will enforce all suspensions or expulsions strictly and without exception. The League has the full support of the local authorities to help administer this rule as needed.

C. Any player or parent can be removed from a League function by their coach or their child’s coach, League Director, or game official if that player or parent’s conduct is not becoming of the League’s sportsmanship standards.

D. Any player or parent can be expelled from participation in the Mini Cassia Youth Contact Football League function or put on suspension for violations of any of the above responsibilities. A two-thirds vote by the League Directors is required for suspension or expulsion.

Section B:  Coaches’ Responsibility

1. To be eligible to coach for the League, a coach must:

i) Be approved by the Board.

ii) All head coaches must have USA football certification

iii) All coaches, including assistant coaches must attend a coaches meeting

2. To coach the following year, the coah must meet the above eligibility requirements and be approved but the League prior to the new season.

3. The Head coach must provide a t least 2 and preferably 4 assitant coaches, with a maximum of 5 assistant coaches.

a. If a coach is coaching outside the League he must notify the board for approval

4. The Head Coach must provide at least 2 and preferably 4 assistant coaches, with a maximum of 5 assistant coaches.

5. When a player quits the team, the coach must notify the League within 24 hours and the coach must fully explain the circumstances. (i.e.: moved, injured, etc.) ANY EQUIPMENT ISSUED TO THE PLAYER MUST BE PICKED BY THE COACH AND RETURNED TO THE LEAGUE WITHIN 24 HOURS, PREFERABLY WITH

3. Teams will NOT be allowed to organize practice, team football camps, conditioning camps, or other team activities that are deemed to intentionally gain an unfair advantage prior to the start practice date set by the League. The League considers this to mean three or more players under the supervision of a coach. This rule does not apply to high school or other officially sponsored football camps (university or professional), where multiple players from different teams may attend. Typically, sponsored camps last one week. The League will investigate all possible violations to this rule.

Note I: Team meetings with parents prior to the first practice date are allowed, provided it occurs after the Coaches Meeting with the League. The team meeting with parents will not include practice with players, but to only explain team rules, schedules, and other pertinent information to the parents.


4. Coaches are responsible for determining that their players are REGISTERED with the League before allowing them to participate in practice, scrimmages, or games. TEAMS PLAYING INELIGIBLE PLAYERS WILL BE PUT BEFORE THE BOARD FOR A DECISION.

6. Daily practice sessions will be limited to a 4 touches per week, including games, and for no more than 2 hours per day with water breaks from the first week of practice (players are without protective gear for first week) to the first game. After the first game, practice sessions will be limited to a maximum of 4 per week, for no more than 2 hours per day or maximum of 8 hours per week. Teams should have the authorized minimum of 4 hours of practice per week.


i. If violation of this rule has been verified. an automatic one game suspension of head coach for violation of this rule will be enforced. without exception!

ii. A team can request for a different night, other than Friday for their night off.

iii. Teams will not alternate between nights during the season.

1. Two exceptions to the rule are 1) during the Minidoka and Cassia County Fair weeks. During these weeks, a coach can change their night of practices, so as to accommodate as many players’ schedules as possible during the fare, and 2) if there is a night when NONE of the coaches can attend, that team can move their practice night for that week. This can only be done once during the season and must be approved by the League President prior to the change. This will only be approved under extreme circumstances.

iv. League Directors and Field Commissioners will be monitoring practice

fields to ensure compliance of this rule. ·

v. Team meetings to watch videos, meet with parents, or have team pizza parties will be allowed on Fridays or other approved nights.


c. Head coaches are required to attend 2-3 practices per week. If he-she is unable to do this, they will be required to ensure that an assistant coach will assume the head coach responsibilities in their absence.

d. Assistant coaches are required to attend 1-2 practices per week.


g. Water breaks should occur every 30 minutes for all practices.

h. Coaches should cancel or suspend practices when severe weather conditions arise. If a coach cancels practice, that practice can be made up on the team’s off-night during the same week, with League approval. THE LEAGUE CAN CANCEL PRACTICES OR GAMES DUE TO SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS

7. Scrimmages must be approved by the Board.

8. Practice shall be limited to one session per day.

9. The coaches are responsible to have a cellular phone available at all practices and games.

10. Coaches must ensure that all eligible players fully participate during contact practices. Coaches should organize their practices to include the participation of all players.

10. A player must have a minimum of 4 days of conditioning before being eligible to participate in contact scrimmages or practices. The player must also have an additional 4 days of practice in pads,(contact) before being eligible to participate in a League game.

Note I: Non-League scrimmage teams are responsible for negotiating a fee to be paid to the League for expenses, providing birth certificates of players to the League, weighing in players on Equipment Issue Day, abiding by the Operating Bylaws and Game Rules, and supply own equipment for their players.

Note 2: Scrimmage games will not count toward League win/loss records.

Note 3: Scrimmages between different grades (e.g., 5th vs. 6th) are NOT ALLOWED.

a. Non-contact drills between 4th, 5th and 6th, or 6th and 7th, or 7th and will be allowed, provided there is no contact and the drills are closely supervised by the coaches.

13. Minimum Playing Time Rule for all players during all regular season, playoff, consolation, and championship games.

a. 4th, 5th and 6lh grade coaches are required to play each eligible player a minimum of ten (10) live plays per game during regular season games, including all playoff and championship games. A player must play six (6) live plays the first half, and four (4) live plays the second half prior to the 4-minute warning in the 4th quarter. A player must be inserted into the game on the first offensive/defensive possession in the 4lh quarter if that player has not received his appropriate playing time. A player must be placed into the game in the1r natural playing position at the soonest available time. A “live play” is defined as a play from the line of scrimmage on offense or defense, EXCLUDING PUNTS. PUNT RETURNS, FIELD GOALS. AND POINTS-AFTER- TOUCHDOWN (PAT)ATTEMPTS.

b. 7th grade coaches are required to play each eligible player a minimum of ten (10) live plays per game during regular season games, including all playoff and championship games. A player must play six (6) live plays the first half and four (4) live plays the second half prior to the 4-minute warning in the 4’h quarter. A player must be inserted into the game on the first offensive/defensive/special team possession in the 4th quarter if that player has not received his/her appropriate playing time. A player must be placed into the game in their natural playing position at the soonest available time. A “live play” is defined as a play from the line of scrimmage on offense or defense and special team play. Playing time on special teams for 7th grade (i.e., kick-offs, kick-off returns, punts, punt returns, PAT attempts, and field goals) will only be considered as five live plays per game, regardless of the number of times the special team was on the field.

c. 8th grade coaches are required to play each eligible player a minimum of ten (I0) live plays per game during regular season games, including all playoff and championship games. A player must play six (6) live plays the first half and four (4) live plays the second half prior to the 4-minute warning in the 4th quarter. A player must be inserted into the game on the first offensive/defensive/special team possession in the 4th quarter if that player has not received his/her appropriate playing time. A player must be placed into the game in their natural playing position at the soonest available time. A “live play” is defined as a play from the line of scrimmage on offense or defense and special team play. Playing time on special teams for 8th grade (i.e., kick-offs, kick-off returns, punts, punt returns, PAT attempts, and field goals) can be considered as ten live plays per game, regardless of the number of times the special team was on the field.

d. If parents (of their own child’s team) or Designated Monitor for the game being monitored believe the above rule has been violated, they (parent or Designated Monitor) must file a written complaint with the League within 24 hours of the game: in which the supposed infraction occurred. The League will determine if a violation was made. The League will meet with the coach, as soon as practical. A Designated Monitor can either be a League Director or a Team Designated Monitor. Each team will appoint 1 or 2 parents or coach to monitor their team during all games. The monitor(s) will be responsible to fill out the ‘Game Monitor Report Sheet’ (Attachment B) for each game. The League will collect forms for all teams.

e. If the complaint is confirmed, the coach who violated the rule may be suspended for the next game, with a two-thirds vote by the Board of Directors. Upon a second violation of this rule, the Board of Directors with a two-thirds vote, will suspend the coach for the next game or if previous game suspensions have been imposed; the coach will be suspended for the remainder of the season.

14. Coaches will be required to furnish a signed ‘AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FORM’ (Attachment C) before each game. (The ‘Affidavit OF COMPLIANCE’: lists the ineligible players, and the reason(s) they are ineligible). The coach is responsible for ensuring that all players on his team receive as much playing time as possible.

15. NO OUTSTANDING PLAYER OR MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARDS OF ANY NATURE W1LL BE GIVEN TO ANY PLAYER AT THE END OF THE SEASON. Approved helmet decals (provided by League), helmet stickers, and/or team trophies for all players are acceptable. Helmet stickers and trophies must be provided by players, parents, and/or coaches. Recognizing good play during a game or following a game with helmet stickers or other appropriate awards, are acceptable.

16. Teams will be allowed to start their pre-game warm-ups no more than 1.5 hours prior to their scheduled game.

17. Head coach is required to attend all games. If they are unable to do so, they must assign an assistant coach who \will be acting as head coach in their absence.

18. A coach may not intentionally runup the score against any opponent. Points scored or against will not be used for any tie breaker scenarios. The League will not report regular season scores to the local papers. Season ending standings, playoffs, consolations, and championship scores will be reported as appropriate.

a. A Sportsmanship Warning Letter will be sent to the winning coach when his/her team has a point spread of forty (40) or more points than their opponent. It is expected that the coach makes appropriate substitutions and adjust their play-calling when up by thirty (30) or more points, to avoid this situation.

b. The Sportsmanship Warning Letter will be considered a Level One Offense, and the second letter will result t in a Level Two Offense, which can include a one game suspension with a 2/3 Board approval. See Article VII, Section B, #35 for level of offenses outlined in our Operating Bylaws.

c. If a coach receives their first letter, a League Director of Field Commissioner will be viewing their following game(s) to ensure that they are abiding by this rule for future games.

19. A coach will be responsible for ensuring he does not play a ‘helmet designated’ player in a ball carrying position. A ‘helmet designated’ player must play defensive or offensive lineman positions. A coach intentionally playing a ‘helmet designated’ player in a ‘non-helmet designated’ position will be suspended for the remainder of the game. The League will review the incident and determine if any further action is to be taken, such as a one game suspension of the coach. See Article IV Section A for helmet designation player definitions.

20. The coach is responsible for teaching all his players the fundamental skills and rules required to play the game of football.

21. It is also the coach’s responsibility to view coaching videos, read books, attend coaching clinics, etc. so as to provide proper coaching techniques to their players.

22. The coach is responsible for displaying and teaching good sportsmanship and abiding by the Code of Ethics of the NYSCA. Good sportsmanship behavior should be exhibited at practices, games or other MCYCFL activities.

23. Accept and understand the seriousness of responsibility, and privilege of representing your community.

24. Live up to the standards of sportsmanship established by the League and the coaching staff.

a. Gain an understanding and appreciation for the rules of the contest.

b. Exercise representative behavior of a sound value base at all times.

c. Recognize and appreciate skilled performances regardless of affiliation.

d. Exhibit respect for the League and Game Officials.

e. Display openly a respect for the opponent at all times

f. Display pride in your actions at every opportunity.

g. Treat your opponents the way you would like to be treated, as a guest or friend.

h. Wish opponents good luck before the contest and congratulate them in a sincere manner that you would like to be greeted following either victory or defeat.

i. Respect the integrity and judgment of Game Officials.

25. A coach will not physically, verbally, or in any manner, threaten or intimidate a player, parent, coach, Game Official, or League Official.

26. Coaches are responsible for helping issue, collect, and check in equipment with the League. This also includes insuring that the equipment is in good repair and is not intentionally damaged or altered. Coach must ensure that all helmet stickers. tape. etc. have been removed prior to returning equipment.

27. The coach is responsible for accepting all game official and League decisions as fair and unbiased.

28. Coaches are responsible for developing and implementing team rules and presenting these team rules to their players and parents. Coaches’ team rules shall not conflict with MCYCFL rules, bylaws, or NYSCA ethics and rules.

29. Coaches are responsible for distributing and collecting players’ ‘Medical Release Forms’ (Attachment D). They are also responsible to collect birth certificates of their players.

30. Coaches or person(s) on behalf of a coach, may observe, take written notes, or videotape in the playing of opposing teams only at League scheduled games so long as observations or videotaping does not interfere with the playing of the game.

31. No coach or other person on behalf of a coach, may videotape, view videotape, or take still-photos of other teams practicing or scrimmaging which his or her team is not participating, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.

a. Coaches or person(s) on behalf of a coach, may videotape a practice, scrimmage, or playing a game in which the coach’s team is participating.

32. Coaches may not use phones, headsets, computers, or any other electronic or mechanical devices for communication with their assistant coaches, parents, players, or others that would contribute to an unfair advantage over their opponent. Examples include but not limited to two-way headsets or helmet radios.

33. Any coach ejected by an officially for unsportsmanlike behavior, will be suspended for the remainder of the game, and ” 11 be suspended for the next regularly scheduled game. A second violation will result in being suspended for the next two (2) regularly scheduled games. The third ejection would result in expulsion from the league. If penalties are imposed at the end of the season and no contest remains, the penalty is carried over to the following year. This rule will apply to all regular, playoff, consolation, and championship games. 111e League reserves the right to apply this rule to parents or spectators at League games. Those situations with parents or spectators will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The League will enforce all suspensions or expulsions strictly y and without exception. 111e League has the full support of the local authorities to help administer this rule as needed.

34. A league Director or game official can remove any coach from a League function.

35. Any violations of the above responsibilities could result in a:

a. Level One Offense-Documented Verbal or Written Warning from League

i) Includes but not limited to, providing the League with Playing Time and Affidavit of Compliance forms in a timely manner or other violations that are deemed to be unintentional but require changes in conduct, administration, and/or coaching behavior. Multiple warnings from League for Level One offenses, can lead to one (I) game suspension.

b. Level Two Offense-One (1) Game Suspension

i) Includes but not limited to the above mentioned for Level One Offenses, but also include ‘ olations that are on-going or intentional violations and may pose a risk to the safety of theplayers, parents, officials, and League or are otherwise specified in the Operating Bylaws.

c. Level Three Offense-Season Suspension

i) Includes but not limited to the above mentioned for Level Two Offenses but are deemed to be serious violations that pose significant safety risks, or the actions of the coach are intentional and deliberate that the League needs to take drastic actions to prevent further violations or are otherwise specified in the Operating Bylaws. A coach, who has been suspended for the season, will not be considered as a coach for any future teams.

d. Level Four Offense-Expulsion from League

i) Includes but not limited to the above mentioned for Level Three Offenses. The League reserves the right to expel any coach from the League.

Note 1: The level of the offense will be determined by the severity of the violation. The League reserves the right to make the determination of the level of the offense. A two-thirds vote by the League Directors is required to determine a Level Two or higher level of offense.

36. Any coach can be immediately expelled from participation in the Mini Cassia Youth Contact Football League or put on suspension for violations of any of the above responsibilities. A two-thirds vote by the League Directors is required for expulsion or suspension if a Level Two or higher offense has been determined.

37. Coaching violations may also result in forfeiture of one or more games as decided by the League.

38. In most cases, a coach(s) will be allowed to opportunity to present their view or reasoning for allegedly violating the above rules to the League prior to a decision. Depending on the severity of the violation, the League may not grant this opportunity to the coach. A two-thirds vote by the Board is required.

Section C: : League Responsibility

1. The League will purchase the best possible equipment, which is available and affordable. This includes:

a. Helmet with facemask,
b. Pants with belt and pads,
c. Shoulder pads,
d. Game jerseys,
e. Approved mouthpiece,
f. Misc. equipment (footballs, kicking tees, blocking dummies, etc.).

Note l: Any player wishing to purchase his or her own equipment as described must have League approval. All purchased equipment must maintain the consistent look and quality standards of the League.

2. The League will obtain the best possible volunteer coaches. (The League reserves the right to obtain, and assign, assistant coaches if the head coach is unable to obtain at least 2 preferably y 4 on his/her own).

a. The League shall evaluate prospective and previous coaches by:

i) Reviewing coaching applications for approval or denial,

ii) Distributing and collecting Parent Survey forms in order to evaluate past coaching performance, and

iii) Reviewing past coaching behavior and performance with respect to NYSCA and League standards, and

iv) Accepting verbal or written input from parents, players, or concerned spectators to a coach’s behavior, conduct, and attitude towards players, parents, other spectators, and the League.

b. The League shall determine the eligibility of a coach based on the Parent Survey comments, past coaching behavior, performance with respect to NYSCA and League standards. Upon review of a coach by the League President, a recommendation will be made to the Board of Directors for further action.

c. The League will require all coaches to update their Coaches Application every four years.

3. The League will document and record all major protests presented to the League.

4. The League reserves the right to interpret, delete, change, or make additions to, League policies, game rules, and/or operating bylaws.

5. The League will obtain and pay certified Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA) officials to referee the games. If possible, a timekeeper with an official stopwatch will be the umpire. All game officials will adhere to all rules, guidelines, and Code of Ethics outlined by IHSAA.

6. The League reserves the right to assign all players to their prospective teams.

7. The League reserves the right to supply players with raffle tickets valued the same as the registration cost for playing in the League.

8. The League reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or relocate games or practices.

9. League Directors will retain records of all League meeting, protests, etc.